
At BKB Precision, we like to create our products together with our customers. We are more than happy to share our knowledge and insights, taking you through the entire process. Building a partnership leads to the successful realisation of your product.

Partnership en maakbaarheid BKB Precision

Partnership and manufacturability

Before we can give you the right advice, we first seek answers to various questions. Do you want to convert your metal designs into a plastic product? Can the desired product be made in plastic and if so, which type of plastic is most suitable? And will it be feasible in terms of costs?

We are happy to take up the challenge. Our specialists make a critical assessment of your drawings, asking for additional information if necessary. That’s why we like to be in close contact with your designers, engineers, and purchasers. You can find a full description of our working method here.

Intensive contact

A partnership stimulates the enthusiasm to push boundaries. Good communication and openness lead to good working relationships. We will support you proactively so that you are always satisfied with the end results. After all, that's what it's all about.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about partnership and manufacturability? You can contact one of our specialists by using the contact form or calling us on +31 (0)40 267 01 01.

Berrie van de Burgt

Sales Director

+31 (0)6 25 42 36 63

Sam Versteeg

Key Accountmanager

+ 31 (0)6 25 15 43 06

Contact form

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