What is ISO 9001? Explanation of our strict policy on quality
At BKB Precision, quality is our top priority. This is not only because we supply high-quality products to a quality conscious, high-tech oriented sector, but also because it’s in our DNA. BKB Precision is synonymous with quality.
We always put our customers’ wishes and requirements first, and we can do this because quality is continually monitored and improved. We therefore comply with the ISO 9001 standard. You can read in this article what this standard means and how it translates into our strict policy on quality.
ISO 9001: the standard in the field of quality management
ISO 9001 is well-known in the field of quality management. This internationally recognised standard can be seen as an important measure of transparency and reliability. A company which is ISO 9001 certified can demonstrate that it is constantly improving quality in order to increase customer satisfaction. A company or organisation can decide for itself how this will be carried out. ISO 9001 is therefore a generally applicable standard, independent of a specific sector or type of organisation.
The ISO 9001 standard therefore covers the entire work process: from advising customers and drawing up specifications to production, assembly, and (cleanroom) cleaning, right up to final delivery. In short, from customer demand to customer satisfaction. Checks are made to ensure that:
- The company can meet the wishes and requirements of customers and other stakeholders;
- All applicable laws and regulations are complied with;
- All processes and systems are aimed at continuously improving customer satisfaction.
BKB Precision: ISO certified for years
Since 1997, BKB Precision has had a certificate of quality which conforms to the ISO 9000 and later the ISO 9001 standard. Our customers and employees can see this in our high-quality plastic processing, the products we supply, and in the open working atmosphere that enables us to continuously improve ourselves.
We initiate improvement projects based on market developments or customer requirements. Improvements we make are recorded and regularly checked for effectiveness.
By communicating openly and effectively with employees, customers and other stakeholders, we keep in touch with what is going on in the market and with our customers. We also invest in training, state-of-the-art machines, and the latest production methods.
High-quality plastic processing thanks to a strict policy on quality
Without our strict policy on quality, we could never have developed into the reliable partner and specialist in high-quality plastic processing that we are today.
We understand better than anyone that the high-tech market segments we serve with custom-made plastics make strict demands on the durability and reliability of these complex, high-performance products.
As a link in the chain, we are well equipped to meet those demands. We do this, for example, by supplying various measurement reports and certificates. Whether plastics need to be machined, moulded, assembled or (cleanroom) cleaned, our well-trained, motivated staff are ready daily to meet every challenge and deliver products of great precision and high quality.